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How did I get started in acting?

My brother, Drew, got me involved in acting. He has been doing musicals at our local theatre for a few years. In 2009, my brother and I heard about an open audition for an acting school in the Baltimore, MD area. We went to the audition and they liked both of us! We took a few classes on TV commercial acting, soap and sitcom acting, film acting, sitcom & monologue acting, and scene study. In addition to the acting workshops we took classes on modeling such as runway and fashion commercial print. The classes also taught us "how" to audition and the terminology used in the acting and modeling industry. During these classes, we were able to audition for industry talent agencies and I was chosen to sign with several talent agencies in New York City.

This was only the beginning of my acting career. After signing with a talent agency, I was sent on auditions for commercials and films. I continued to take acting lessons to sharpen my skills and techniques and this is something I continue to do today!

Then in August 2010, I entered an international acting and modeling competition in New York City where there were over 1500 participants. To my surprise, I won 12 first place awards and four first runner up awards. I was named 2010 Pre-Teen Actor of the Year, 2010 Pre-Teen Model of the Year and 2010 Most Sought After Actor Awards! After this competition, my opportunities really expanded. I had agents and managers from New York City and Los Angeles wanting to represent me.

As of today, I have been in several feature films and many commercials. I LOVE acting and I want to make this my life long career. It is my goal to go to college and major in acting.

I am a 14-year old actor, model and voice-over artist. I hold a black belt in karate (Japanese shorin-ryu) and enjoy being outside swimming, playing soccer and jumping on my trampoline. On top of all that I maintain great grades in the 9th grade.

(All Info on Homepage and Resume is current as of July 2012)

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